Front-end Web Desinging
Every Saturday 6.00pm – 08.00pm
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, students should be able to create functional and visually appealing web pages using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
You will also have a foundation to build upon for further learning and specialization in web development.
Week 1 - 2 Hrs
- HTML BASICS - Introduction - Editor Installation - Elements - Attributes - Formatting - Meta Tags - Comments - Lists - Marquees - Examples - Exercises
Week 2 - 2 Hrs
- HTML TABLES - Table Elements - Table Attributes - Examples - Exercises
Week 3 - 2 Hrs
- HTML FORMS - Form Attributes - Form Elements - Input types - Input Attributes - Examples - Exercises
Week 4 - 2 Hrs
- HTML MEDIA - Links - Image - Audio - Video - Youtube - Examples - Exercises
Week 5 - 2 Hrs
- CSS BASICS - Introduction - Syntax - Comments - Colors - Backgrounds - Borders - margin - padding - Text - Fonts - List - Tables - Display - Position - Z-index - Align - Examples - Exercises
Week 6 - 2 Hrs
- CSS Advanced - Opacity - Object-fit - Gradient - Shadows - Object Position - Buttons - Media Queries - Examples - Exercises
Week 7 - 2 Hrs
- Project - Building One-Page Website using HTML and CSS
Week 8 - 1 Hr
Week 9 - 2 Hrs
- Bootstrap 5 - Introduction - Get Started - Container - Grid - Typography - Colors - Images - Alert - Buttons - Examples - Exercises
Week 10 - 2 Hrs
- Tables - Card - Dropdown - Carousal - Navbar - Popup - Forms - Input Groups - Form Validation - Examples - Exercises
Week 11 - 2 Hrs
- Project - Building One Page Website using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
Week 12 - 1 Hr